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Tuition and Fees

我们找到了一个地方,在那里播下了热爱学习的种子. GA has provided a place for our kids to lay down their roots, 在自信和独立中成长,这样有一天他们将有能力自己翱翔. 但与此同时,他们有一个非常敏锐的理解,当他们的时间在这里作为一个学生结束, 他们作为十大体育外围平台排名爱国者的时光将永远延续下去. And, as a parent, 没有什么比知道你的孩子将永远有一个地方,他们可以张开双臂回来更好的感觉了.” – Jennifer M., Blue Bell

"My time at Germantown Academy was a very formative, important time in my life, Gaby Russomagno的支持对我的信心和抱负至关重要." - Dan Veltri '03, Co-founder& Chief Product Officer of Weebly

“GA是发生在我身上的最好的事情之一,我和其他人谈论了很多. GA is a very special place. 不是每个人都有这样的机会,你应该为来到这里感到自豪.” - Colleen Magarity '07, Coach & Educator

"GA is filled with incredible teachers. 他们意识到并看到我的生活有点偏离了传统规范, and that when I found my passion and calling in life, I would have the skills and organization to go after it." - Josh Fried '06, Actor & Stuntman

GA给了我敏锐的批判性分析技能,帮助我的设计超越了美丽的形式." - Katrinna Whiting '09, Product Designer at Facebook

“我学会了对这个世界和人们持开放的态度, and I have many teachers I looked up to at GA to thank for it, all the way from Mr. 二年级的时候去瑞特(菲尔·里滕豪斯饰)的AP生物课上存钱.” - Mark Wakeman '05, Assistant Director at Chariots for Hope

“GA帮助培养了我的创造力和永远的友谊,最终奠定了我的舞台, unbeknownst to me, for what I'm doing today." - Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel '01, Founder of Reel Media Group & TV Reporter




为孩子的未来投资是一个家庭可以做出的最重要的决定之一, and we are here to help in your financial planning. GA学费包括所有学生的活动费和技术费. 学费可以全额支付,也可以参加为期10个月的在线支付计划. 来年的学费由GA的董事会决定,并在一月份公布. Tuition is paid via a 10-month online payment plan, 而费用是每月通过我们的在线会计公司结算的. 冬季末需要缴纳入学保证金,每年5月开始支付学费.


我们鼓励所有感兴趣的家庭咨询学费援助. 每年,大约33%的学生获得经济援助. CLICK HERE to learn more.


PreK $26,725
PreK (til Noon) $18,170
K $27,775
1st $30,985
2nd $30,985
3rd $32,160
4th $36,030
5th $36,460
6-8th $38,930
9-12th $42,390


Additional Fees

Students are billed monthly for individual charges they incur, such as school supplies, snacks and spirit wear from the School Store, school dance admission, private music lessons, student fundraisers, and Lower School after school programs. 有关GA的学费和费用的更多信息,请致电商务办公室267-405-7393.

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